August 07, 2023
Health Security Partners to collaborate with the Chemical Industries Association of the Philippines on Mentorship Program for the Establishment of Human Reliability Programs for the Philippines Chemical Industry
HSP is pleased to announce a partnership with the Chemical Industries Association of the Philippines (SPIK) for the development of Human Reliability Programs (HRPs) at small- and medium-sized chemical institutions. This phased initiative is designed to establish HRPs that safeguard personnel, information, and operations at chemical institutions by ensuring the reliability and trustworthiness of individuals who have access to sensitive or critical activities, data, and materials. The mentorship program will connect selected chemical companies to international and regional subject matter experts through a series of virtual and in-person meetings. These meetings will provide company representatives with the necessary skills and knowledge to develop and implement effective HRPs that are tailored to the specific needs and requirements of their companies. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting program!Next Article Previous Article